WebXR Logo


This page displays as much information as it can about any WebXR modes and sessions supported by your browser/devices. On some devices entering an XR session may obscure the content of this page, so realtime output (such as pose data) will only show their final value at the end of the session.


WebXR Modules

Support for various WebXR features are broken out into specification "modules". A module showing as supported here does not mean that the features is guaranteed to be available on all hardware, only that the browser is capable of supporting the feature when the hardware exposes it.

{{module.name}} ✔️- Supported ❌ - Unsupported

Session Modes

Session modes are the various types of WebXR sessions that can be created, and determine how content is displayed and what features are available. A session mode will only be shown as available here if both your browser and your hardware support it.

{{mode.name}} {{mode.status}}

Session Report

Type: {{report.mode}} Session ({{report.state}})

Supported Reference Spaces



  1. eye {{view.eye}}

Session Properties

visibilityState {{report.session.visibilityState}}
environmentBlendMode {{report.session.environmentBlendMode}}

Input Sources

  1. handedness {{input.source.handedness}}
    targetRayMode {{input.source.targetRayMode}}
    1. {{profile}}
    gamepad Mapping: {{input.source.gamepad.mapping}}
    1. {{axis | clampFloat}}
    1. {{button.value | clampFloat}} (Touched) (Pressed)